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Termini e condizioni di spedizione

Abitualmente effettuiamo spedizioni solo in ITALIA. Se desideri ricevere gli insetti all’estero, ti preghiamo di contattarci via email, fornendoci indicazioni sugli articoli da spedire e sull’indirizzo di destinazione, e noi ti faremo avere, in breve tempo, un preventivo di spese di spedizione.

Evaderemo il tuo ordine in 3 giorni lavorativi dalla ricezione del pagamento, nei limiti della disponibilità di magazzino. Nel caso in cui uno o più articoli non fossero immediatamente disponibili, te lo comunicheremo immediatamente e concorderemo con te l’eventualità di una spedizione parziale.

Una volta ricevuto il pagamento, affideremo la tua merce al Corriere Espresso, i cui tempi indicativi di consegna sono di 1/2 giorni lavorativi successivi al ritiro, nella maggior parte delle località italiane. Per i tempi di consegna non dovrai considerare il sabato e i giorni festivi. Eventuali ritardi occorsi al Corriere durante il trasporto non sono di nostra responsabilità e non potranno costituire causa di recesso o dare diritto a risarcimento.

I tuoi insetti verranno consegnati in orario d’ufficio, all’indirizzo che avrai indicato nel modulo d’ordine: non essendo possibile concordare con il Corriere Espresso un orario preciso di consegna, ti consigliamo di utilizzare un recapito ove sia sempre presente qualcuno per il ritiro. Ricordati di indicare con esattezza sia il numero civico che il CAP della tua zona e che il nominativo che ci avrai indicato, dovrà sempre coincidere con il nominativo o il numero riportati sul citofono. Quando ritiri la merce, controlla sempre che il numero di colli riportati sul documento di trasporto coincidano con quelli ordinati e che i colli che ti vengono consegnati risultino integri.

Se però al momento della consegna tu o il tuo incaricato foste assenti, il Corriere Espresso lascerà un avviso di mancata consegna tramite il quale potrai richiedere la riconsegna gratuita della spedizione, secondo le modalità riportate nell’avviso, entro i 3 giorni successivi. Qualora neppure al secondo passaggio la merce venisse ritirata, il Corriere Espresso terrà la merce in giacenza presso il suo magazzino per tre giorni. Ci auguriamo che tu provveda a ritirare la merce: in caso contrario, saremo costretti, con dispiacere, ad addebitarti i costi supplementari per mancato ritiro della spedizione.

In alternativa alla consegna a domicilio tramite Corriere Espresso, potrai scegliere di ritirare la tua merce direttamente presso la nostra logistica a Via Cupa del Feudo, 39 - 84010 Sant'Egidio del Monte Albino (SA) senza alcun costo di spedizione. Potrai pagare all’atto dell’ordine sia con carta di credito che con bonifico, oppure direttamente quando ritirerai la merce, ma ti preghiamo di preparare l’esatto ammontare in contanti, perché l’incaricato non dispone di resto.

Per qualsiasi disagio relativo alle tue spedizioni, potrai rivolgerti al nostro servizio di assistenza (, che ti aiuterà nella risoluzione dei problemi.


Vitolo TLC S.P.A., incorporated in Rome (RO) in Via Lima n°7, is the enterprise that wills to sell through the Internet, limited to the Italian territory, products owned in its assortment.


The term “Customer” means the buyer of “Products” who has the status of consumer, implying the natural person who makes the purchase for any purpose not reportable to the commercial or professional activities eventually performed.

The term "Professional" means the natural or legal person who makes the purchase for purposes related to the commercial or professional activities eventually performed.

The term "Products" means all products and/or goods, and/or services marketed by Vitolo Tlc S.p.a. and forming part of its range.

The term "online recharges" means telephone recharges made through the Vitolo Tlc portal, with Italian mobile operators.

The term "portal" means the set of Web pages approachable by typing the url:

The term "promotions" means sales made by Vitolo Tlc S.p.a. for all or part of the products and for limited time periods with a discount on the normal selling price.

The term "product purchase" means the purchase order with delivery of the products in days following the one of transmission of the order from the consumer / professional to Vitolo Tlc S.p.a.

The term "product delivery" means the purchase order with the delivery of the products at the address indicated by the consumer/professional at the time of registration, subject to possible control.


The General Conditions form an integral part of any proposal, purchase order and confirmation of products marketed by Vitolo Tlc. S.p.a., in force on the date of the relative order. The General Conditions concern the sale to a consumer and/or professional, as specified above.


Vitolo TLC S.P.A., incorporated in Rome (RO) in Via Lima n°7, is the enterprise that wills to sell through the Internet, limited to the Italian territory, products owned in its assortment.


The term “Customer” means the buyer of “Products” who has the status of consumer, implying the natural person who makes the purchase for any purpose not reportable to the commercial or professional activities eventually performed.

The term "Professional" means the natural or legal person who makes the purchase for purposes related to the commercial or professional activities eventually performed.

The term "Products" means all products and/or goods, and/or services marketed by Vitolo Tlc S.p.a. and forming part of its range.

The term "online recharges" means telephone recharges made through the Vitolo Tlc portal, with Italian mobile operators.

The term "portal" means the set of Web pages approachable by typing the url:

The term "promotions" means sales made by Vitolo Tlc S.p.a. for all or part of the products and for limited time periods with a discount on the normal selling price.

The term "product purchase" means the purchase order with delivery of the products in days following the one of transmission of the order from the consumer / professional to Vitolo Tlc S.p.a.

The term "product delivery" means the purchase order with the delivery of the products at the address indicated by the consumer/professional at the time of registration, subject to possible control.


The General Conditions form an integral part of any proposal, purchase order and confirmation of products marketed by Vitolo Tlc. S.p.a., in force on the date of the relative order. The General Conditions concern the sale to a consumer and/or professional, as specified above.


Vitolo TLC S.P.A., incorporated in Rome (RO) in Via Lima n°7, is the enterprise that wills to sell through the Internet, limited to the Italian territory, products owned in its assortment.


The term “Customer” means the buyer of “Products” who has the status of consumer, implying the natural person who makes the purchase for any purpose not reportable to the commercial or professional activities eventually performed.

The term "Professional" means the natural or legal person who makes the purchase for purposes related to the commercial or professional activities eventually performed.

The term "Products" means all products and/or goods, and/or services marketed by Vitolo Tlc S.p.a. and forming part of its range.

The term "online recharges" means telephone recharges made through the Vitolo Tlc portal, with Italian mobile operators.

The term "portal" means the set of Web pages approachable by typing the url:

The term "promotions" means sales made by Vitolo Tlc S.p.a. for all or part of the products and for limited time periods with a discount on the normal selling price.

The term "product purchase" means the purchase order with delivery of the products in days following the one of transmission of the order from the consumer / professional to Vitolo Tlc S.p.a.

The term "product delivery" means the purchase order with the delivery of the products at the address indicated by the consumer/professional at the time of registration, subject to possible control.


The General Conditions form an integral part of any proposal, purchase order and confirmation of products marketed by Vitolo Tlc. S.p.a., in force on the date of the relative order. The General Conditions concern the sale to a consumer and/or professional, as specified above.


Vitolo TLC S.P.A., incorporated in Rome (RO) in Via Lima n°7, is the enterprise that wills to sell through the Internet, limited to the Italian territory, products owned in its assortment.


The term “Customer” means the buyer of “Products” who has the status of consumer, implying the natural person who makes the purchase for any purpose not reportable to the commercial or professional activities eventually performed.

The term "Professional" means the natural or legal person who makes the purchase for purposes related to the commercial or professional activities eventually performed.

The term "Products" means all products and/or goods, and/or services marketed by Vitolo Tlc S.p.a. and forming part of its range.

The term "online recharges" means telephone recharges made through the Vitolo Tlc portal, with Italian mobile operators.

The term "portal" means the set of Web pages approachable by typing the url:

The term "promotions" means sales made by Vitolo Tlc S.p.a. for all or part of the products and for limited time periods with a discount on the normal selling price.

The term "product purchase" means the purchase order with delivery of the products in days following the one of transmission of the order from the consumer / professional to Vitolo Tlc S.p.a.

The term "product delivery" means the purchase order with the delivery of the products at the address indicated by the consumer/professional at the time of registration, subject to possible control.

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